Monday, February 10, 2014

Grandma Shelley Came to visit!

At the end of the week spent with my mom and Lucy working on our advent calendar, Lance got back from his business trip, and we picked his mom up from the airport! She came for a  long weekend with us.   It was Great!  So fun to have Grandma at the house and for her to see where we live and spend time with Joanne.

On our way back to Hermiston we stopped by lots of really beautiful sites for mom to see. Don't judge the pictures of me in my pajamas and slippers. I forgot to bring shoes to Lucy's house and also forgot that we were going to hike a little of Multnomah falls! Oh dear, the looks people gave me!

This is the big sturgeon named Herman at the fish hatchery. 

I love this picture! Shelley made Joanne that sweet blanket!

I love that smile!

We had such a great time with Grandma Shelley here!! 

1 comment:

  1. Your mom is so great with babies! I love "group" projects. So many wonderful memories are tied up in them.
